I have to share with you a few thoughts on the freedom of speech issue.

Our personal growth, our views are mostly just our response on challenges and life experience we had faced with. Despite on a whole variety and complexity of the life experience each person could face with during his or her lifetime, nobody could have ALL life experience as a whole and, therefore, could not have all knowledge about the universe. If we have incomplete knowledge then we do incomplete conclusions - our conclusions are not fully correct in their essence; we only can say someone knows more and his judgments are more correct, more close to the Truth (but still are not the Truth). Exceptions are possible for cases of divine revelations, divine wisdom. (e.g. the Gospel)

This is a cause behind the narrow specialisation - abandon some fields of knowledge to focus on specific domain studies; this is the cause of why all issues should be discussed within the group, preferably formed by people of different specialisations and backgrounds; this is a cause behind necessity of interdisciplinary knowledge to allow discussion of narrow specialists to overcome the issue famously known as the issue of the blind men group where each of them describes a part of the an elephant available only to him, but altogether could not reach a common conclusion regarding of with what they are dealing with.

This all has been said to let us understand or, to be more precise, came closer to understanding how to solve the problems that confront us, how to deal with what we see, hear or read.

Getting back to the issue of the freedom of speech, it should not be a possibility for everyone to speak at any topic, at anytime, with anyone and anywhere:

1. From the Orthodox Christianity point of view:
- "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Gospel of John 1:1 - John 1:1 - English translations
- "For no word from God will ever fail."
Luke 1 chapter — Bible — New International Version
- "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment."
- "For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned."
And many other things.

2. From the state point of view:
A one of the causes of the state emergence is the guard from threats. In particular, from the threats of other states, other structures-systems. This threats could be realised not only by the power of physical weapons, but also with the help of the mass media: transmission of the information is the effect and, as each effect, it could be channeled to both good and bad. I think around yourself you can find without issues many examples of how the information has been deliberately used for bad.
I found good, fresh thoughts on this topic in a series of lectures by A.V. Kholopov "Man in the information aggression environment"

3. From the engineering point of view:
I had to clean and restore program data fom noise. The more unnecessary and, especially, deliberately distorted data, the more difficult it is to get valuable data, valuable signal.

Based on the all this perspectives what kind of policy of the freedom of speech should be for the state, society and individual person? I do not have an answer on this question, but the one thing is obvious for me - it should not be the absolute limitless freedom of speech. Let our personal experience bring us closer to the right line of behavior and my personal experience and conclusions from it I already had shared with you.

A few related posts on this issue:
Broad VS Narrow specialistion.
How to govern the state and society.
My theses which wait it's time to be extended in articles.

Just thinking.