How to govern the society and state?
I already shared when the society becomes more democratic then the real power go deeper in the shadow (A.I. Fursov). These management practices that are pushed under the brand of 'democracy' are the mirage.
I have strong opinion all of forms of society existence, sometimes far from the ideal, have organic nature which means they are formed and evolving by responding to external and internal challenges. It means it is almost the best possible. The centralisation of the power which is observed during this is not just a wish, but the necessity. In the case of Russia, in the works of A. A. Prokhanov I am finding strong arguments that this seems the only possible form for its existence.
However we are all people, each of us has strong qualities and areas of growth, values, beliefs and opinions, and because of there are many of us and we are all different, all of these views can be complementary to each other as well as antagonistic. It means during centralisation of the power and governance the center is formed with its strong qualities and areas of growth, with its values and beliefs which consequently almost automatically forms masses of people who disagree with you, who stand on diametrically opposite side.
How to govern in such conditions?
Traditionally during talks about power and governance, discussions come to the pyramid of power and pyramid of knowledge. [1]
So, access to education, access to information is one of the main governing tools.
Uniting people in groups, building a system is also a way to increase your own complexity in relation to the world around you and, accordingly, more opportunities to influence it.
So organization is another tool of governance.
The society is diverse and complex. You personally, at the best case, represent only part of it. By moving forward you implement your program, and yet there are other desires and aspirations whether or not they have taken their own forms. If you don't pay attention to them, at the best case they start to compete with you, at the worst - become antisystem factor which works against you. The ways to work with it I have witnessed are to suppress an opposition, search for people and groups among opposition who are within your vision, artificial creation of forms/systems/organizations under your control who are respond on demand of this subgroups or simulate this response.
So, creation of systems under your control which represent and respond on all, sometimes contradictional, demands of the society at its whole is the one more governance tool.
We discover our environment not directly. Even our sensor feelings including our eyesight and hearing are also mediators. The issue is what we are able to see and hear is far from the entire range of colors and sound frequencies, and also they can be distorted. At the same way media, others people, books become mediators between us and the world and consciously or not could distort the picture they are sharing with us. Events might be not only communicated differently, but they could be fully artificially made thereby influencing society.
Keeping in mind access to education, access to information is one of main instruments of governance, creation and control of own media are difficult to overestimate.
Why do I write about this?
I am in two minds when I share this. From one side I grow up in the company where knowledge and people growth were the value, from another side - by sharing this I increase the risks of losing control of our society. However, I believe people growth, access to knowledge, acquiring and using it is good, it is a virtue. The final point is difficult for me to translate on English for native speaker, so I will leave on Russian:
Господь задумал человека по образу Своему и подобию, а создал только по образу - реализовать Его замысел в отношении нас, Его подобие это наш долг в этом мире.
[1] All this called "толпоэлитаризм" (rus.) and deservedly has negative connotations
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