Template matching. We get the image template of the origin object we are going to search and looking for a match between template and image we scan pixel by pixel. (stop metrics: least square method, cross correlation)

Evolutionary step: search for the borders/edges, formalised task - rapid change of surface normal, rapid change of depth, color, illumination of the surface. In math it would be extremum of the function, derivative, gradient. (metrics of comparisation: chamber distance, hausdorff distance)

Applying Gabor's filters: extracting low and high frequences.

Pyramids of images.

How to include in search affine transformations or presence of alien objects? The solution is a search of special points and template matching by this points.

Harris detector for special points search. The core concept is to detect change of surface around edges. Also free coefficients are used, they are chosed by normal distribution: the closer to the edge the closer to the 1st quantile.

From detector of the special points to the detector of the areas of the surface (IBR, MSER).

Gathering local special points in the SIFT descriptors.

SIFT in the nutshell uses set of images blurred by Gaussian filter. Special points (edges, borders) on the image are emphasized easier when details are removed or smoothed. The strength/degree of the blur is increasing from image to image (usually with degree 2 * coefficient of the blur). Images by itself are represented as the pyramid. Besides blurring images also should be scaled down sequently one by one. Next step would be comparing images from the pyramid one by one (the difference of the 'gaussians') to extract special points. Finally we should get at least 2 images with the specail points which brings contrains on the size of the origin set of blurred and scaled images (minimum 5).

By going through image we have to calculate points in windows with maximum value regarding its neighbors in the image the current level and two closest in the pyramid. We should filter special points by leaving only edges. It could be done by Haris corner detector.

Further we have to calculate histogram of gradients and orientations. Histogram of directrions is split on bins and evaluate the dominate direction by summ of gradient values in each bin.

Descriptor is built by 'gaussian' closest to the special point. In similar way we calculate gradients and orientations of the neighborhoods of the special point, also weight coefficients are used with aim to increase weights of the neighborhoods closest to the special point and decrease weight of the neighborhoods that stay far from it. Also descriptor is normalised to the rotation and the illumination: the rotation angle of the special point is calculated from the rotation angle of the neighborhood and values are cut off by the threshold (~0.2)

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