
This paper describes my work on solution for house price prediction on Voronezh (Russia, ~1m population) market. The achieved result is unsatisfactory (~50% of right predictions). Model accuracy is not good enough for launch it on the market. It should be possible to increase model accuracy via adding more features (house properties) and observations that requiers more rich dataset originally gathered via public boards. Also there is always space for creative search that gives good chances to increase model quality.

The value of this paper in methodology and instruments applied to solve the task. They can be used to solve the task on others markets and can be transferred on others tasks and domains.

Tech stack: jupiter notebook, pandas, sklearn, torch, numpy, searborn, octoparse Jupiter notebook with code


Initially the similar problem was solved on classic training Boston dataset that contains house pricing data for Boston real estate market from 1970th. The achieved accuracy is ~75%. Learned techniques were applied to this problem.

In case of Boston dataset data was already gathered and pre-processed. In this case the first step is to gather data and clean it.

Data gathering

In Voronezh there are several public boards with house prices. The one was used for this project to decrease amount of efforts on parsing multiple sources and what's more important filter from duplicates. Market research shows that it has products that allows you to write high level script to run crawlers to parse and gather data. It was used to gather this dataset. Rate of errors (dirty data) brought me to idea to write own crawler and data transformer.

Common rule is amount of samples (observations) is 10x more than amount of features.

Data cleaning

After transforming json to csv file the final dataset has missed field and not correct data entries. I have to go through loop traverse pandas cells and do cleaning operations based on nature of error. For NaN pandas provides built-in functions, for columns with high percent of missed data (>25%) we should drop them or replace with some placeholder value, usually zero or mean().

All non-numeric columns should be transformed to numeric form. Scikit-learn provides two options to do this: label and one-hot encoding.

Before doing that my dataset requires to do language processing and extracting new features from existing fields.

Importance of features

Changes in some features impact outcome more than changes in others, often it is valuable to pick-up only subset of features with hightest impact on final result. Seaborn lib allows to built and draw correlation matrix, yellowbrick feature correlation lib allows to draw more UX-firendly correlation plot of features.

Generally it is suggested to drop out mutually correlated features - change in one leads to change in another, - as it often negatively affect prediction capacity, but I have personal positive experience for some cases.

Data normalization

Many of ML techniques, including linear regression that is used in this model, requires normally distributed data. We can draw graphic for each column to check it's normal distribution and pick up appropriate features. We also can take logarithm from some others column to transform it to normally distributed dataset. As we look for dependency between input and output of our model applying operations like this should be appropriate.

Standartization and scalling

It is used to align all features to the same scale. Scikit-learn has variety of scallers which do this differently with respect to outliers and others factors.

Building the model

For problems such image recognition it is common to add a layer per pattern this layer should recognize. In the example of car recognition first layer recognize wheels, next one silhouette of the car, the last layers others parts.

Amount of nodes in layer should be at least equal to amount of features. For regression problems final layer's ouput should be one node.

Common practice is to start from one layer and minmum amount of nodes and add more complexity by demand. Except cases when experience suggest sub-optimal architecture to start with.

Activation functions

Activation function allows signal to pass on another layer. The purpose of the activation function is to introduce non-linearity into the output of a neuron. It makes modern ML key stone back-propagation is possible.

The power of activation functions (from less to more efficient): logistic -> tanh -> ReLU -> leaky ReLU -> ELU -> SELU

Each of them is works the best with each type of tasks:

- Regression: 1. Doesn't require 2. To bound [-1:1] -> tanh or [0:1] -> log
- Regression with positive output: softplus
- Classification: 1. Binary classification -> sigmoid 2. Multiclass classification -> softmax

Weight initialization:

- ReLU or Leaky ReLU: He init
- SeLU or ELU: LeCun init
- Softmax, logistic or tanh: Glorot init

One of the interesting aspects is Dropout layer that allows to turn off on step some subset of nodes. This has proven to be an effective technique for regularization and preventing the co-adaptation of neurons as described in the paper

The graphic based on loss history (learning curve) gives feedback on optimizer and hyper parameters you chosed and some ideas how to shift them

Optimizers and hyperparameters

There are many of them. This should help to choose right one and itertools.product should help with running different variety of models to pick up best hyperparameters

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