Docker: multicomponent project deployment
Executive summary
Sophisticated system deployment and launch had been (mostly) successfully
migrated to the docker.
Launch of the system is done within one click/one command. Utilization of a host
machine resources becomes more efficient - ratio between speed and CPU\RAM
In many aspects it is better rather than VM usage, except it doesn't give
you a full isolation and many things might go wrong if you or 3rd party
developers will give root privileges for some of your containers.
Another aspect to consider is some things doesn't work out-of-the-box and
requires additional efforts for customization and sometime bugfix as it was
with blockchain calculated ledger retention. Maintenance of docker scripts
might has its own cost.
Why docker
With project growth there is an increasing demand to speed-up deployment
process - smooth and fast, preferably with one click. So far many different
tech has been used for this deployed and run into virtual machine. By putting
VM into the hibernate mode we could stop and immediately resume our running
At the first view Docker looks us a superior solution for a current
virtualization technology. Indeed experience shown it is quicker and better
utilize machine resources and can be a better alternative for existing VMs,
but it is not a quite virtualization technology. Docker proficiently uses OS
isolation and virtualization mechanisms to run its containers/applications, but
they are executed directly on the host machine kernel vs guest OS in case of
VMs. From one side it increase performance and portability, on another side
because of direct launch on the host OS kernel isolation is not so robust -
giving root privileges to an application might lead to dangerous results
which is not an option in case of virtual machines.
Docker image vs docker compose
Docker allows to create an images of your software and quickly deploy on
your machine. However, if you have many components in your projects you have
to look at Docker compose.
Docker compose allows to orchestrate and tune a variety of applications which
should work together. Before that each application has to be dockerised - wrapped
into docker image (build and configuration file)
There is also Docker swarm (clusters) and Kubernetes (containers in cloud) which
are out of scope of this publication. You can learn more about them
here and
Custom image per each service
Majority of popular products already offer their docker image which usually
can be tuned over input parameters passed from docker compose config file.
However, if you need to customize an image, docker compose is not
intended for this - you have to write your own image. In my practice
I have to write my own image based on existing ones.
General practice is to put each component of your project, e.g. server, database, etc,
to a separate service. Docker images are recommended to keep small and concise.
For my scenario it is also reasonable to create a separate network for my containers
where are just several ports have been forwarded to external world.
My project has a mobile client, a server, database and privately hosted blockchain.
Each of this components except of a mobile client became a separate service
in docker.
Docker custom image: database
Below is my script for a database container. It uses general mysql image
without any customization. Docker allows to map host's machine volumes,
in this container it is used to automate schema creation - anything within
docker-entrypoint-initdb.d will be executed on mysql startup.
database: hostname: swap-database container_name: swap-database-default image: mysql:8.0.33 env_file: - .env environment: - "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}" - "MYSQL_DATABASE=${MYSQL_DATABASE}" - "MYSQL_USER=${MYSQL_USER}" - "MYSQL_PASSWORD=${MYSQL_PASSWORD}" - "MYSQL_ROOT_HOST=${MYSQL_ROOT_HOST}" volumes: - ./database/custom-sql-commands.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/custom-sql-commands.sql - ./database/custom.cnf:/etc/custom.cnf - ./infrastructure/mysql:/var/lib/mysql - ./server/db_schema:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:rw ports: - "3307:3306" networks: priv-eth-net: restart: on-failure deploy: resources: limits: cpus: '0.5' memory: 512M healthcheck: test: ["CMD", "mysqladmin" ,"ping", "-h", "localhost"] interval: 7s timeout: 20s retries: 3
Docker provides features to check application state within container over healthcheck block. In this case a plain ping is used.
Docker custom image: server
The similar script is used for a server deployment and launch:
server: hostname: swap-server container_name: server image: node:18-alpine working_dir: /usr/src/swap/server volumes: - ./server:/usr/src/swap/server - ./infrastructure/server:/root command: > sh -c "npm install && npm run start:docker" ports: - "3000:3000" # port depends on environment config, keep an eye on it when env will be changed networks: priv-eth-net: deploy: resources: limits: cpus: '0.5' memory: 512M depends_on: database: condition: service_healthy
Linux Alpine image is used because of its lightweightness. Docker allows to setup order in which containers will be launched (depends_on block)
Docker custom image: blockchain
Blockchain require three services: bootnode, miner and rpc-endpoint. For
this aims I also had to write custom images.
# blockchain section geth-bootnode: hostname: geth-bootnode container_name: geth-bootnode env_file: - .env image: geth-client build: context: ./blockchain/private-chain/node-bootnode args: - ACCOUNT_PASSWORD=${ACCOUNT_PASSWORD} - NODE_ACCOUNT_PWD_FILENAME=${NODE_1_ACCOUNT_PWD_FILENAME} - NODE_ACCOUNT_PWD=${NODE_1_ACCOUNT_PWD} - NODE_ACCOUNT=${NODE_1_ACCOUNT} - NETWORK_ID=${NETWORK_ID} - BOOTNODE_NODEKEYHEX=${BOOTNODE_NODEKEYHEX} - NETWORK=${NETWORK} environment: - NODE_ACCOUNT=${NODE_1_ACCOUNT} # Ref. issue: volumes: # - ./infrastructure/eth-chain/bootnode/geth/chaindata:/tmp/geth/chaindata - ./infrastructure/eth-chain/bootnode/geth/ethash:/tmp/geth/ethash - ./infrastructure/eth-chain/bootnode/ethash:/root/.ethash - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro networks: priv-eth-net: geth-rpc-endpoint: hostname: geth-rpc-endpoint container_name: geth-rpc-endpoint env_file: - .env build: context: ./blockchain/private-chain/node-geth-rpc-endpoint args: - NODE_ACCOUNT_PWD_FILENAME=${NODE_2_ACCOUNT_PWD_FILENAME} - NODE_ACCOUNT_PWD=${NODE_2_ACCOUNT_PWD} - NODE_ACCOUNT=${NODE_2_ACCOUNT} - NETWORK_ID=${NETWORK_ID} - BOOTNODE=${BOOTNODE} - NETWORK=${NETWORK} environment: - NODE_ACCOUNT=${NODE_2_ACCOUNT} volumes: # - ./infrastructure/eth-chain/rpc-endpoint/geth/chaindata:/tmp/geth/chaindata - ./infrastructure/eth-chain/rpc-endpoint/geth/ethash:/tmp/geth/ethash - ./infrastructure/eth-chain/rpc-endpoint/ethash:/root/.ethash - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro depends_on: - geth-bootnode ports: - "8545:8545" networks: priv-eth-net: geth-miner: hostname: geth-miner container_name: geth-miner env_file: - .env build: context: ./blockchain/private-chain/node-miner args: - NODE_ACCOUNT_PWD_FILENAME=${NODE_3_ACCOUNT_PWD_FILENAME} - NODE_ACCOUNT_PWD=${NODE_3_ACCOUNT_PWD} - ETHERBASE_ACCOUNT=${NODE_3_ACCOUNT} - NODE_ACCOUNT=${NODE_3_ACCOUNT} - NETWORK_ID=${NETWORK_ID} - BOOTNODE=${BOOTNODE} - NETWORK=${NETWORK} environment: - NODE_ACCOUNT=${NODE_3_ACCOUNT} volumes: # - ./infrastructure/eth-chain/miner/geth/chaindata:/tmp/geth/chaindata - ./infrastructure/eth-chain/miner/geth/ethash:/tmp/geth/ethash - ./infrastructure/eth-chain/miner/ethash:/root/.ethash - /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro depends_on: - geth-bootnode networks: priv-eth-net: deploy: resources: limits: cpus: '2' memory: 2048M
Environment arguments for custom image are passed from .env file defined for each service. Matched volumes allows to preserve setup and configuration of the chain, but I had not managed yet to preserve calculated ledger between launches. There is unclear error when necessary path has been mapped that left unresolved for now. It is good for tests or development mode, but for launch in production this issue should be solved.
Growth of the ledger might easily occupy all available space. Docker support host machine resource constraints used by each container and limits for CPU and RAM has been set.
Below is a custom docker image for one of this blockchain services. The rest are looking similar:
FROM ethereum/client-go:v1.10.1 ARG NODE_ACCOUNT ARG NODE_ACCOUNT_PWD ARG NETWORK_ID ARG BOOTNODE ARG NETWORK ENV NODE_ACCOUNT=${NODE_ACCOUNT} ENV NETWORK_ID=${NETWORK_ID} ENV BOOTNODE_NODEKEYHEX=${BOOTNODE_NODEKEYHEX} ENV NETWORK=${NETWORK} COPY ./swap.ethash.genesis.json /tmp COPY ./boot.key /tmp RUN mkdir -p /tmp/keystore COPY ./keystore/${NODE_ACCOUNT_PWD_FILENAME} /tmp/keystore RUN geth --datadir /tmp init /tmp/swap.ethash.genesis.json \ && rm -f ~/.ethereum/geth/nodekey RUN echo ${NODE_ACCOUNT_PWD} >> /tmp/pwd.txt COPY ./ /tmp RUN chmod +x ./tmp/ # This way entrypoint usage would ignore OS signals sent to the container. That might cause some issues ENTRYPOINT ./tmp/ ${NODE_ACCOUNT} ${NETWORK_ID} ${BOOTNODE_NODEKEYHEX} ${NETWORK}
To use input arguments passed from docker compose config file, they should be copied in local ENVIRONMENT variables.
Some commands are not allowed to be launched from docker image and a separate shell script is used as a workaround for this.
For more details you can check the source code of the project.
A separate network for docker
A separate network for group of containers isolates all project's services
from external world, except ports which are intentionally forwarded for
external access. Which network to use is defined for each service above
and how network has been setup is shown below:
networks: priv-eth-net: driver: bridge ipam: config: - subnet: