
This is a third part of the seria of publications regarding work on the Swap project. It covers a work on server and mobile clients.

Swap v1 -> Swap v2 migration

The first iteration of the project covered a client-server application with common marketplace business logic which was extended by smart contracts.

When work on smart contracts had been done and project had been deployed into the test mode, the test drive shown extra overhead in gas. Gas is a limited resource which is necessary to run operations on the chain. Also it costs real money. This pilot shown launching this product on the real ethereum chain never will be profitable.

The issue is such operations like iteration over a dataset are very costly in terms of gas/money. With dataset growth the cost of platform exploitation will grow too. There are options to optimize gas usage, but it will reduce by tens of percent, but project requires to reduce it at times less.

To overcome this issue two things had been made.

The first one is to limit business logic in smart contracts to the most important one - (mostly) unreversible data records. Smart contracts had been refactored to leave a mint a token, an exchange of tokens and an approval of intentions functionality on chain. The rest will be done on the server.
This step significantly reduces gas usage and makes project's smart contracts looks like what is deployed on the real chain, but still it leaves open issue of profitability of the product.

The second step is to launch product within a private chain. Deploying a private chain will give us control on the gas cost (~0 USD), difficulty to mine a new block and, therefore, time to wait when transaction will be completed. It solves our issues discovered during the 1st pilot and gives chances for ethereum ledger to be used in this project.

Swap v2 state sequence diagram


Backend is a REST server (NodeJs) with relational database behind it (MySQL). Initially to avoid passing data as a plain text, basic auth had been added, but now project reached the stage where is more mature authentication mechanisms should be added, e.g. OAuth.

Also at the first stage plain parameterized sql queries had been used, but the project reached the stage when some kind of ORM should be added.

After pivot some business logic like search and match queries had been migrated to the server. It opened an issue to query both chain and RDB to build a full aggregated response to the client. This issue will be covered below.

To confirm stable codebase the REST API has been covered by tests.


Contract wrappers and synthetic queries

Integration with the ethereum chain on the backend is done over the ether.js. I implemented a wrapper around contract api:

                class Contract {
                    constructor() {}
                    getWalletWithProvider(privateKey, nodeUrl) {
                        let provider = new ethers.providers.JsonRpcProvider(nodeUrl)
                        let walletWithProvider = new ethers.Wallet(privateKey, provider);
                        return walletWithProvider;

                class SwapChainV2 extends Contract {

                    constructor(privateKey, nodeUrl, contractAddress) {
                        let swapChainAbiJson = [
                            "function registerUser(address user) public override",
                            "function getUsers() public view override returns (address[] memory)",
                            "function getMatches(address userFirst, address userSecond) external view override returns ((address,uint,address,uint,bool,bool)[])"
                        this.signerInstance = this.getWalletWithProvider(privateKey, nodeUrl);
                        this.swapChainContract = new ethers.Contract(
                    async getMatches(userFirstAddress, userSecondAddress) {
                        return await this.swapChainContract.getMatches(userFirstAddress, userSecondAddress);
                    async getUsers() {
                        return await this.swapChainContract.getUsers();

                chain.getSwapValueContractInstance = function() {
                    let nodeUrl = `http://${config.get("chain").host}:${config.get("chain").port}`;
                    let privateKey = config.get("chain").privateKey;
                    let swapTokenAddress = config.get("chain").swapTokenAddress;
                    return new SwapToken(privateKey, nodeUrl, swapTokenAddress);
                module.exports = { SwapToken, SwapChainV2, chain }

Later it the server will query database to find matches and them map this data to the data on chain:

                let aggregatedModel = [];
                let model = await match.getByProfileId(;

                await Promise.all( (matchItem) => {
                    let matchOnChain = await chain.getSwapChainContractInstance()
                    matchItem.chainObject = matchOnChain;

The full response will be returned back to the client.

SQL query optimization

I haven't faced yet with bottleneck issues with slow queries to the storage. However I have to think about it performance overhead due multiple subqueries and joins.

After discussion I ended-up with potential steps to solve improve query performance in case I will face with it:

- Use database snapshots with slice of existing data with read-only permissions with built-in indexes
- Use db sharding
- Pre-filter rows by distinct title and do search by them
- Use ORDER BY and MATCH for keep order during pagination and better search options
- Consider Views and Material Views, but they might have limits on how to perform search
- Consider to build a hash based on valuable data and do a search by it

Mobile client

Mobile client is written on the Kotlin for Android. It has standard, for this moment, architecture, but still follow traditional way instead of applying Compose.

Many operations initially was done directly with the chain, but after migration on v2 it became just 1st part of the request - the 2nd part is to put some metadata on the server too.

Integration of the ethereum functionality pushed the project to split up on several modules.

The stability of the codebase is confirmed over integration espresso tests augmented by some unit tests.


Modularization and dependency injection

Splitting monolith app into several modules usually is done to decrease compilation time and speed up the development. For this project it was done to improve encapsulation of business logic when a integration with 3rd party provider become a part of backlog and to get a hands-on experience with this architecture within a relevant tech stack.

Current architecture has three modules as :app, :core and :wallet. Some opinionated decisions has been made during architecture design, e.g. IStorageRepository is obviously should be part of the core module, but currently it is required only within wallet - leaving it in the wallet module increases its encapsulation.

Also redesign DI to work across modules and tests brought some new challenges, but solution had been found. I got some comment as it could be done better, but because of neither PR or some more information has not been shared, I do not see a way to consider it, implement it and\or learn from it. Obviously, there is almost always exist a way from the solution to the best solution and from the best to the optimal one , so Pull Requests (PRs) are welcomed.

Web3j integration

The Ethereum dev community ported web3 on several platforms. In Java&Kotlin&Android platform it was done under the web3j project.

I had to provide a byte code of the smart contract and implement a Java wrapper where Java hooks trigger methods of the smart contract.

                override fun safeMint(to: String, value: Value, uri: String): 
                    RemoteFunctionCall {
                    val function: Function = Function(
                    // omit wei here as it is not a payable function
                    return executeRemoteCallTransaction(function)

Web3j allows to autogenerate such wrappers, but it doesn't work stably. I was able to manage it to work for some case and for some cases I wasn't.

Policy on dealing with a variety of tx statuses

When you write anything on chain, you call is wrapped into a transaction which is put in the queue. Nodes with some period of time mined transactions from queue organized into blocks. Tx is mined as a part of a block.

When tx is in queue it has 'pending' status. After the mining it could be either 'mined' or 'reverted'. Sometimes status 'rejected' appeared somewhere in docs and forums, but it is not clear yet is it the same status or some corner case.

How should mobile client deal with this different tx statuses?

The current policy of dealing with ethereum chain transactions is follows:

- Immediate errors just shown up to the user
- Tx submitted in the tx pool, but has not been mined yet, also goes into the client (or web server?) cache
- Each query to tx status leads to query to cache, query to chain and update cache with the most recent data from chain (which should trigger update on mobile client UI too)
- If tx is rejected due mining, the user is notified about it with the most possible explanatory root cause and a prepopulated template on tx is shown to him or her. (cached data is not removed, but updated with either new flag or moved to the different table)

Pivot to a background pooling and the WorkManager

Keeping the same data on chain and on the server brings the issue of complete and relevant data. Is it on the server? Is it on the chain? We use chain as a source of non reversible information, therefore data on chain is considered as primary data.
However chain operations might take a long time and not always will end up successfully. At this moment, on the Goerly test network a single transaction takes near 10 hours. Private self configured chain process transaction within 15 seconds, but I could not be sure it would be the same speed after several years of intensive usage or after possible changes in configs to launch in the production.

How to solve this issue?

Taking into the account all these thoughts above each operation from the mobile client should go to the chain. For the end user it might look like a pending transaction. From the tech side tx is cached, tx is waiting for its turn on the chain and when it is mined the mobile client receives a result or the mobile client just query chain to get the status of this transaction. When tx is successfully mined, the client performs a POST request to the backend making this token available for main business operations.

There are known changes in foreground service behavior which should be taken into account for long-running operations:

Foreground services official docs
Known changes

The current official way to execute such scenario is to use WorkManager. It is a cause behind the project 2nd pivot to migrate a part of functionality from the coroutines to WorkManager.

Workers encapsulates background operations and put its results into the cache. At the app launch, background pooling is started which listens a queue with pending transactions to run corresponding request to the server. This queue is automatically updated each time when cache layer is updated.

Integration tests

To confirm codebase stability I use UI integration tests which is done over Android official tool Espresso.

On the top of it I actively use a Robot pattern which I learnt over work with the Pivotal team (which they learnt from an one Google conference).

The idea is to see a test like a web crawler checking a wep page. The test logic is encapsulated within a special class which methods emulates actions user-like behavior:

                class ProfileRobot {

                    fun seesName(name: String): ProfileRobot {
                        return this
                    fun seesContact(input: String): ProfileRobot {
                        return this

                    // ...

                    fun enterCustomDebugData(name: String, phone: String, secret: String, wallet: String) {
                        /*.perform(typeText(query), pressKey(KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER)) // Unicode chars is not supported here */

Later it is called from an UI test which makes test suite concise and easy to maintain:

                fun onStart_whenServerIsTurnedOffEnterDebugDataAndSubmit_seesErrorDialog() {
                    val activityScenario = ActivityScenario.launch(
                    robot.seesErrorDialog("Something went wrong")

What is next

This part covers general overview of the Swap mobile and backend implementation. Part 1 covered a smart contracts integration and Part 2 covered a smart contracts test coverage.

The next, final, publication will cover test and deployment automatization.

One related post:
Principles behind my work

Open web app used for architecture diagrams: