I faced with a necessity to develop an education process and platform which will solve existing issues I see now at front of me. In the middle of 2020 I released a concept and platform of collaborative education (freezed at this moment)[1] and in September of the passed year I wrote and published several notes which was organised in the small book. [2]

I gave it a name "What I would like to tell to my son".

This publication does not have intent to transmit all my knowledge and experience, but intends to bridge the gap in things which I lacked off in system\collectives I lived in, worked with and evolved. It defines its necessity and, perhaps, demand. I says 'perhaps' because now it is already a new time and a new world which creates its own new requirements.

Just sharing.

Collaborative education
Book "What I would like to tell to my son" (russian, epub)
Book "What I would like to tell to my son" (russian, pdf)