Passed week as a part of R&D and sales activities I was working on mobile client as a new sales channel.

Based on my data (Russian market, 2019) the market of online purchases is quite big and continues to grow, ~30% of customers purchase goods over mobile devices and their market share continues to grow, goods such as food and medicine in top 10 of goods that are bought over internet. It is crucial to have digital sales channel both on desktop and mobile sides where customer can view goods in one click, in two clicks - make an order, in three clicks - pay for it.

Many businesses spent big part of their expenditures on sales&marketing activities to attract a client (customer acquisition cost) and it is vital not only convert a client to the customer, but also retain him (customer lifetime value) to make his next purchases from you again.

Mobile app provides such sales channel and also makes possible to track a customer purchases, gives you a digital profile - the ability to predict his purchases, make recommendations, encourage him to buy the good he needs again and again from a company that offers him the best personalized service. The important point is goods should be among things which customers buy regularly such as food, medicine, clothes etc.

Now I am working with prospective clients who offers medicine and farmer's goods and developed a prototype to visualize the concept.

Occasional customer research shown potential consumer is ready and already order medicine and clothes, but would not order food over the web. The issue is in case of farmer or store food it is important to look at the food quality before making purchase. Even in the case when the producer is known and trusted the issue is open.

On another side an ordinary producer is not able to deliver meat on the schedule. Meat with high chances is available for order on December, almost unavailable during summer and supply is barely predictable over the rest months of the year. Even when the amount of producers is multiplied by 100 the distribution of supply would be nearly the same. It is the case for ordinal personal households over the Russia.

Keep working.

A few related posts:
Case study: a solution for lost orders in e-commerce
Case study: flowers store chain growing revenue
Principles behind my work
Looking for a dollar sign

Originally published on LinkedIn