The root cause of the conflict is scarcity. We move into conflict situation when there is not enough something for everyone - material resources, opinions about the Truth, decision regarding what to do next etc.

Therefore if we want gracefully resolve the conflict we have to generate more value or/and decrease our expectations.

The issue is there is still a limit on how much we can decrease our expectations and how much value we are able to generate.

Values define our focus, our priorities, about what we care more and what less. That’s why in situation of decision making (situations of scarcity) we align them to our values — every ‘yes’ we say at the same time means ‘no’ to someone or something. Our values determine decisions we will make in conflict situations, situations of choice.

Common values help reach an agreement in groups, but at the same time create boundaries - they draw a line what we as a group encourage, what tolerate and what we discourage. In this way values are borders and that’s what define not only persons as individuals, but a whole nations and cultures.

The question is does any culture superior than another one? If no, how to deal with culture (subculture) which is in many aspects antagonistic to ours? How to solve issues that happen when country open their borders?

Just thinking.

A few related posts:
About conflict values can bring and what diverse Shanghai and deep crises taught me
About root cause of any conflict, options to overcome and why sometimes it is not possible

Originally published on LinkedIn