
Software Engineer with experience in management and sales.

What makes me different from others? People were always important for me. I tend to gather/understand intents and wishes of others to find balanced solution and lead the group in that direction (if it doesn't go against my core values)

By put people first, I start to think the only thing we can control and change is ourselves. As we are all connected with each other the change in one of us will have impact on others. At the same time markets are responsible for civilization. It means each of us have to pursue skill excellence in any area he or she works on. Professionalism should be one of major goals for any of us. That's why I see professional and self development as my current personal mission.

By working in open and egalitarian companies which encourage transparency, critical thinking and tolerate disagreement, I start to value free information exchange, patience to mistakes or critics and diversity of opinions. At the same time I find important to keep in mind our defined norms, be kind and stick to final goals of our journey.

I write this because people work with people and for people. Personalities match is a key factor which I think even goes before skills.

What kind problems I solve:

Native Android development and others software solutions. My major specialization is native Android development, but now I am open for new opportunities and follow market demands. My freelance status allows me be flexible with rates aligned to the value I deliver, that's why it is possible to pick up new skills on the way.

Business analysis

Before coderbunker I don't have experience of running the company and don't have credibility to give any recommendations in this field. However engineers build and fix complex systems which give them problem solving skills. It is transferable expertise which can be applied to others domains, e.g. https://www.linkedin.com/hp/update/6269857024838860800

For more infromation please check my LinkedIn profile